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orange brownie's secret

after some begging I will share this recipe which was my last creation for the Sama Yoga Teachers Gathering 2014 in Boastad.

and GREAT thanks to all participants for making this week of creating food for you an unforgettable experience!

for a ca. 20 x 25 cm form you need the following:

(for a whole cake you double the recipe)

chocolate bottom:

2 dl almonds

2 dl cashew nuts

1 dl walnuts

1,5 dl raw cacao powder

1 dl kokos flakes

1 tsk vanilla powder

grated skin of one orange

some pinch of salt

5 dl (ca 400g) dates (pitted!!!)

0,25 dl maple syrup

crisp middle layer:

50 g raw cacao butter 2 tbsp raw cacao powder

top layer:

meat of one orange

ca 8 dried apricots, soaked for at least 20 minutes

2 cm ginger

zest of one more orange for decoration

grate the almonds and cashews in a food processor to a fine flower.

add cacao, kokos, vanilla, orange zest and some pinches of salt and mix until finely processed.

add the dates and maple syrup and mix until you get an even dough. With a knife chop the walnuts into smaller pieces and mix carefully into the dough.

cover a 20 x 25 cm form with baking paper and press in the chocolate dough, so you got no air wholes left. put into the fridge for about an hour.

in a water bath carefully melt the raw cacao butter (not over 42°), stir in 2 tbsp cacao powder and spread evenly over the brownie and set into the fridge again until its hardened.

put the orange meat, apricots and ginger into a blender, mix to a fluffy jam, spread over the cake and decorate with orange zest or what else you find to add the last detail to your deep chocolate cake experience....

enjoy in tiny pieces!

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  raw and veggae

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