food for​

good things happen to those who don't wait
simply said: food in it's most natural state, not heated over 42°C.
it still contains everything that made it sprout and grow in the first place – life force, enzymes, water, oxygen, hormones, vitamins and minerals and so much more. untouched, untainted, literally honest food – what you see is what you get. no hidden ingredients, nothing messed around with, just pure delicious fresh live food that we are designed to eat – living food for living bodies.
"nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." —Albert Einstein
SO, if not entirely raw, then mostly vegetable is very good, too, not at least our planet will thank you.
and really, it's almost as good as listening to your favourite reggae song ; )
* a happier, more beautiful and healthier you
* natural body weight, greater energy, smarter brain, better sleep
* colourful, antiinflamatory and balancing the acid-base level in your body
* no dairy, no gluten, no sugar, but LOADS of tasty food!
... to name just some...
jeanette guttenberg, "raw and veggae"
- creative strategist within food, interior design and a more sustainable living
- certified raw life educator
- happily raw since 2012 (as circuumstances allow)
- located in älmhult / southern sweden