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Torbjörn’s luxurious triple berry smoothie

this wonderfully energizing (both visually and physically) smoothie I got served last Friday morning after a late work night at a dear friends place. he opened his vault (freezer ;) ) that he has filled with handpicked berries over the summer and performed magic with his blender.

It’s an “about”-recipe as I lingered in the bathroom and first showed up when everything was ready ;)

for 2 big glasses you need:

½ banana

about a handfull of frozen billberries (wild swedish blueberries)

about a handfull of frozen black currants

about a handfull of frozen aronia berries

fresh ginger after taste

eventually a little water to get the process going

mix everyting with your blender or (in this case) hand blender,

pour into big glasses and ENJOY!!!!

did you know that billberry and black currant are the perfect combination as they complete each other? they contain different antioxidants and thus cover the entire pallet.

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