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weedy spring-salad


japp! weeds! of course the first things that start to grow in my garden…. but thankfully oh so full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. it’s said they make you beautiful from within (more than you already are!)

some examples of edible weeds are ground elder, tiny nettles, dandelion leaves, garden sorrel, chickweed, you name them… so I did my harvesting already by weeding what’s supposed to be our vegetable garden in a couple of weeks :)

for 2 portions of salad you need:

1-2 hands full of finely chopped weeds ca. 100g of gluten free pasta, take some Asian option of course you can make your own vegetable pasta by spiralizing carrots, squash etc. ca. 4 dl of what ever vegetables your kitchen has to offer (finely sliced)

4 tbsp of sesame oil 2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice 1 tsp of tamari sauce (mild soysauce without sugar&gluten) a pinch of chili flakes

just toss & turn and you are ready to serve a tasty, healthy, inexpensive lunch :)

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  raw and veggae

  raw food älmhult

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