yummy citrus morning treat
another fast breakfast recipe :) as the berries start to get ripe in our garden I was looking for a nice complement to the sourly little...

cream cheese dippers
a very simple and refreshing recipe that fits in on any summer buffét. 1dl cashews, soaked for about 2 hrs juice of 1 lime a pinch of...

alkalising spring greens
spring is finally here!!! and with it the first wild greens! a moment I have been waiting for in 5 months!!! perfect timing for lowering...

finally, finally we got our new batch of blueberry juice freshly from the woods of northern Sweden :) (ok, they were frozen by now) so...

roll your own…sushi
fresh into the new year, stuff yourself and your family with greens! here comes one of my favorite family dinners, meaning it takes...

not completely raw vegan? try ceviche!
Not trying to tease you but, being on an inspirational trip in my previous home town Berlin I could not help but be amazed over how...